Accessibility Index :
Overall rating :

Accessibility Index :
Overall rating :
Kowloon Bay宏照道33號國際交易中心2樓
HK$101 - 200
- 粵菜 (廣東)
- 山珍海味
- 帝廷燒鵝, 清蒸沙巴龍蠆仔, 醬皇雞, 鹽燒鮑魚

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Accessibility Index
Entrance and Exit :
Channel level design :
Toilet for the disabled :
Employee Friendliness :
Space :
Dining table :
- The entrance is equipped with an automatic door or no door, and it is wide and suitable for wheelchairs to enter and leave alone
- The aisle is flat and wide or has a ramp, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can enter and leave alone
- There are gender-free toilets, which may require assistance from others before use
- The staff is friendly and courteous, and can provide consulting services for wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility
- There is a special location for the disabled or a wide passage, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone
- The table design is suitable for wheelchair users
皇廷酒家 King Palace Chinese RestaurantMeeting Facilities
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