Fung Kam Street Sports Centre is located on North Fung Yau Street, Jidi, Yuen Long District, Hong Kong. It is managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. It has a 2-storey building and a multi-purpose arena with 400 spectator seats, which can be used as two basketball courts. Two volleyball courts or eight badminton courts. Other facilities include 2 multi-purpose activity rooms, 2 table tennis rooms, a fitness room and a paid parking lot with 15 parking spaces.
FG Tips
Fung Kam Street Sports Centre has a wide area, convenient transportation and complete barrier-free facilities. It is a good place for wheelchair users.
Relevant information
7 am to 11 pm daily
Address : Fung Kam Street Sports Centre, 20 Fung Yau North Street, Yuen Long
Enquiries : 2475-2334
Website : Related attractions URL